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When designing a woodland garden we first want to make our selves a list of what plants will grow on our site. Then we can look at form, colors and textures.This lovely plant with flowers that are heart shaped and rosy pink maybe one you should look at. It flowers prolifically for a long period of time. In 2015, we had plants that started flowering in late May through June into July. Then flowered again late August into October. Wild Bleeding Heart adds much needed color to your woodland garden.

Wild Bleeding Heart has medium green ferny leaves. The plant has a mounded habit and can get quite bushy. It prefers a moist soil high in organic matter but can grow in moist rocky soils. You see it quite often on slopes so it works great in rock gardens. In dryer soils you may find that it does not bloom for as long as it would under moister soil conditions.

Wild Bleeding Heart can be propagated by divison or by seed. The seed does have eliasomes, white fleshy appendages, that ants love so if you want to grow the plants from seed you need to get the seed before the ants carry them off. Then plant the seeds immidiatly and leave them outside over the winter they will germinate in the spring after it warms up. It will happily self sow under the right conditions.

Good companions for wild bleeding heart are sedges, trilliums, merrybells, Bloodroot, ferns, false solomon's seal, wild ginger and twin leaf.

Dicentra eximia, Wild Bleeding Heart

Limited Stock - Contact for Availability
  • -Wild Bleeding Heart is a long blooming plant

    -Seeds are ant dispersed

    -Foliage is toxic to deer and is not eaten by them

    -Height: 8 to 12 inches inches tall

    -Zone: 4 to 8

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