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There are many great plants that appreciate moist soil. Golden groundsel is one with bright yellow cheery flowers. This plant can tolerate drier soils but if you have a moist area this is a great choice. The basal leaves are heart shaped and the leaves on the stems are finely cut giving  golden groundsel a distinctive look. 

The golden yellow daisy like flowers bloom for a long period. They attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies making this a plant a great addition to a pollinator garden.

In fact if you have a moist area this plant along with marsh marigold, Virginia bluebells. red cardinal flower, white turtlehead, Joe-pye weed, green coneflower, New England Aster and fireworks goldenrod would provide pollen and nectar all season long.

The basal leaves are evergreen so golden groundsel makes a wonderful ground cover, spreading over time. Its shoots creep horizontally which make it a great ground cover in moist soil. Golden groundsel will grow in full sun in wet to moist soils and in the shade in moist to dry soils and will tolerate seasonal flooding. The plant grows from 1 to 3 feet in height, give it a try!

Packera aurea - Golden groundsel

  • -Long bloomer for moist areas

    -Tolerates full sun or full shade

    -Attracts bees


    -Height: 1 to 2 feet

    -Zone: 5 to 8

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