Hairy Solomon's Seal has the same arching, zigzagging, stems as regular Solomon's Seal. The main difference is that Hairy Solomon's seal has short hairs along the veins of the leaves. The creamy white flowers hang in the leaf axils, where the leaf joins the stem. They bloom in mid to late spring for a three week period depending on the temperatures. In mid-summer berries form and are at first a greenish color that ripens to dark violet-black. The plant spreads by creeping rhizomes and seed.
You will find Hairy Solomon's Seal in moist woodlands and frequently at a woodland edge. It does best in bright shade but will grow fine in a semi-shaded to part sunny location. In a garden setting they are valued for their lovely arching form and the fact the hold their nice green color throughout the summer months. After the first frost the leaves turn golden yellow. Hairy Solomon's Seal grows to about 1 – 1½ feet tall.
Good companions for Hairy Solomon's Seal are Trillium, Green and Gold, Merry Bells, Wild Geranium, Wild Ginger, Bloodroot and Virginia Waterleaf. Like all members of the lily family deer have been known to browse young stems. Bees love hairy Solomon's Seal and it is buzz pollinated by bumble bees.
Polygonatum pubescens, Hairy Solomon's Seal
Limited Stock - Contact for Availability
-Beautiful arching stems
-Pollinated by Bumble Bees
-Grows from a rhizome
-Height: 1 to 1 1/2 Feet
-Zone: 3 to 9