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Perfoliate bellwort is a wonderful mid-spring flowering plant. The light yellow bells seem to cascade down the plant. The leaves appear to droop, giving the plant an unusual and interesting appearance. The leaves are light green in color so they are a nice contrast to other spring plants.

Perfoliate bellwort flowers about the same time as trillium. The two plants together make a very nice conversation starter. I have found that most people are not familiar with the Uvularias, but once they are introduced people develop a fondness for them. Perfolilate bellwort is produced from rhizomes and spreads fairly slowly. After three years or so the plant puts on quite a nice show. The leaves stay green and neat looking throughout the summer. Perfoliate bellwort grows to about a foot to 18 inches tall.

Both Perfoliate bellwort and great merry bells have a very interesting triangular shaped fruit. The seeds should be sown as soon as they are ripe and should germinate after two cold periods.

Perfoliate bellwort likes it shady, the soil should be rich in humus and slightly moist not wet. Companion plants for Perfoliate bellwort include trilliums, Christmas fern, and Jack-in-the-pulpit.

Uvularia perfoliata - Perfoliate bellwort

Limited Stock - Contact for Availability
  • -A very interesting plant

    -Grows well in full shade

    -Early spring blooming

    -Yellow flowers

    -Height: 1 to 1.5 feet tall

    -Zone: 3 to 8

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